Childrens Bedroom Sets Of Having Theme Seaman
Character child of can be built, even from settlement they room. Seaman theme is selected old fellow to build strong character and dare to like navy.
Enters this Childrens Bedroom we directly catchs situation of sea. Sees the colour choice: blue. Not a common blue, alias navy ala this one navy. Some of walls, plafond, also to pillow and bed covers having colour same. Theme navy gains strength with presence furniture like seaman. Here you are the room of seaman.
The problem of furniture in this room, Nany Diana, desainer interior designing this room, speaks. "This room design concept of course lifted from theme navy. So all furniture intentionally is made having theme same." There is boat miniatur and clock integer, is framing it is looking like float tire. There is also doll Popeye, cartoon character the sailor man.
After desainer interior, now innings of the father, Ermin S. Nasution, what lays open reason of election of theme. He and wife wish to form their boy character. Started from childrens bedroom sets. This reason then is translated carefully, by Nany. Besides having nuance bright, blue colour and furniture is having theme navy also gives appearance which tough. Very similar to character which wish to built for the children.
But awaiting formerly, you possibly confuses finds, this room its reality predominated by white. Doesn't forget, colour navy is not solely blue. Remembers, isn't it, navy uniform is having colour white. That is why, wall and plafond is let with white domination.
Brightness of situation childrens bedroom sets also uppermost blessing of usage of paint with glitter. With painting technique of washed which the finishing paint material is given mixture glitter, glossy effect seen in all wall and plafond processing. " Children prefer to with situation of bright room and sparkles like that," express Nany.
Source: Johny H. Kakiay